Further to my earlier blog, the Victorian Parliament's Legislative Council passed the bill on 23 March and then it received royal assent by the Governor on 27 March 2017. That means it has become Victorian law. You can find the legislation (which is now called the Education and Care Services National Law Amendment Act 2017) at http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/ under "Victorian Statute Book", then click on 2017 and the name of the Act. Note that this legislation is an amending Act, that is, it amends the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 (Vic) (see s.1 of the Act).
However, the provisions in the Act do not come into effect until it is proclaimed by the Governor in Council and the date(s) of effect published in the Government Gazette (see s.2 of the Act). Presumably this will be 1 October 2017, for most provisions, as previously advised by ACECQA. And of course, as I mentioned in my previous blog, in order for the legislation to come into effect in other jurisdictions they will have to go through their own processes to give effect to the amendments.
However, the provisions in the Act do not come into effect until it is proclaimed by the Governor in Council and the date(s) of effect published in the Government Gazette (see s.2 of the Act). Presumably this will be 1 October 2017, for most provisions, as previously advised by ACECQA. And of course, as I mentioned in my previous blog, in order for the legislation to come into effect in other jurisdictions they will have to go through their own processes to give effect to the amendments.