31 March 2021

Queensland Approved Provider Prosecuted for Leaving Child on Bus

The Queensland Department of Education has recently published details of this prosecution on their website.

27 March 2021

New Educator-to-Child Ratio Calculator for Centre-based Services

ACECQA have published on their website a ratio calculator for centre based services under the National Law.

25 March 2021

Further Prosecutions by NSW Regulatory Authority

The NSW Regulatory Authority under the National Law (Department of Education) has recently published details of a further 12 prosecutions it undertook last year. The prosecutions relate to breaches of sections 165, 167 and 295 of the National Law and further details can be found on their website. The Sector website also published a summary.

18 March 2021

Victorian Information Sharing Reforms

From 19 April 2021, authorised staff in education and care services will be able to share information with other professionals who work with children and families in relation to children’s well being and safety. The Sector website published an article on the changes.