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The purpose of this blog is to provide information on developments in childcare regulation in Australia. Its main focus is the Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations
16 May 2021
The Australian Childcare Regulation Blog Has Moved!
13 May 2021
Inadequate Supervision (Section 165): CEO of Department of Communities and Maragon Australia Pty Ltd
In another case heard by the Western Australian State Administrative Tribunal an order was made which gave effect to the terms of settlement in relation to a matter brought before the tribunal by the WA Regulator (Department of Communities) for contravention of section 165, National Law, by the approved provider (Maragon Australian Pty Ltd) by
failing to ensure that all children being educated and cared for by its
service were adequately supervised at all times that the children were
in the care of the service. The contravention related to the Busy Bees at Mirrabooka service. In this case a three-year-old child left the service’s premises, walked through a
busy public carpark and then entered a pharmacy. Pharmacy
staff alerted WA Police and also enquired with the service as to whether
they were missing a child. It was only at this point that the service
realised a child was missing. Further details can be found in the report of the case (including Annexure A). The tribunal imposed a fine of $14,000 plus legal costs of $1500.
In Western Australia, uniquely, such matters as this are generally heard as disciplinary matters under the National Law (WA), see the article by David Oliver in The Sector that explains the process in detail.
The Department of Communities issued a media release on this case.
8 May 2021
Childcare News Stories
Further to the previous blog post a number of news outlets have carried reports on the sanctions imposed in relation to Mulberry Tree OSHC, including The West Australian, 7News, and News.com.au.
9News carried a reported about a man charged with a sexual offence allegedly living at a former Melbourne Family Day Care home.
5 May 2021
Inadequate Supervision (s.165) - CEO of Department of Communities Cachet Holdings Pty Ltd T/As Mulberry Trees OSHC - Leederville
Further to my previous blog post, the WA State Administrative Tribunal have imposed a sanction in this case. See their website for further information. In addition, the Department issued a media release.