I am pleased to announce my new self-published book that might be of interest. It is about about policy development and is called Concise Guide to Good Policy.

The book aims to be a concise, step by step, introductory guide to
policy development (it's only about 80 pages). It deals with the essential, practical issues
relating to good policy development. It is written in an informal style
and details my thoughts on the process and principles that should apply to good policy
development - from operational to public policy. It is aimed at those tasked with the job of
developing policy – particularly those new to the world of policy
development. It's based on my almost 30 years experience in policy development.
Currently it is only available from Lulu.com with an introductory 10% discount on top of the current Lulu discount
. It will also be available from Amazon, Book Depository and other online booksellers in 6-8 weeks. To take advantage of this introductory offer, you can order by clicking
here. You can see all of my published books on
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