The Centre for Independent Studies has just published a report called Rationalising Regulation: Helping The Economy Recover From The Corona Crisis. The report considers a number of regulatory areas, including the childcare sector. The report very briefly assesses the sector concluding that (at p.10):
Greater consideration should be given to staffing ratio requirements and whether the tangible benefits incurred by children justify the considerable costs of such regulation. The variation between state jurisdictions, particularly in the 36 months to preschool age group, is another aspect of staffing ratios that should be reconsidered.
It is recommended that Australian governments reconsider staffing ratio and qualification requirements in childcare to improve service affordability and reduce the need for associated government subsidies.
I have previously written on the issue of rationalising regulation in the sector (see my article in The Sector), but it is disappointing that again a report has been produced on this topic which fails to comprehensively assess the issues. See also other previous blog posts.
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